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retirement planning guide

Your resource for a happier, more secure retirement.


Learn the questions you should be asking about your retirement savings


Make the right financial decisions for your family


Feel confident in your future

Does The “70% Rule” Work for Retirement?

Does The “70% Rule” Work for Retirement?

If you’ve read virtually any financial literature before, you’ve likely come across the notion of the “70% Rule” for retirement income. The rule simply states that a comfortable retirement income should equal approximately 70% of the after-tax income in your working...

Does It Make Sense to DIY?

Does It Make Sense to DIY?

If TV ads are to be believed, everyone (and they mean everyone) is better off investing on their own without professional guidance. Platforms alluding to riches, so long as you happen to use their platform, is nothing new. This recent do-it-yourself (DIY) boom of...

Accessing Your Home’s Equity in Retirement

Accessing Your Home’s Equity in Retirement

Most Manitobans are familiar with the recent boom in housing prices over the last several years. If you’re fortunate enough to be a homeowner as you enter retirement, this is likely the most real estate equity you’ve had in your lifetime! But how do use that equity to...

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Top 9

Retirement Mistakes

Manitobans Make

Each year, thousands of Manitobans make dozens of decisions that have long-lasting impacts on their retirement.  This book is dedicated to identifying the most common retirement planning mistakes made by
Manitobans and providing guidance on how to make the right decision for you!

I hope you enjoy this book and are able to find one or two ideas that spark a positive change in your retirement dreams!


Retiring Successfully, on Your Terms


Avoid irreparable financial mistakes


Learn to better transition to an enjoyable, fulfilling and rewarding retirement


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